Messy Church Planning
Redeemer Chapel 745 Rochedale Road, Rochedale, Queensland, AustraliaThe planning team for Messy Church meets every month, between Messy Church events. Helpers to plan and run Messy Church always welcome.
The planning team for Messy Church meets every month, between Messy Church events. Helpers to plan and run Messy Church always welcome.
The Choir meets regularly on Sunday mornings, to rehearse for its contribution to our worship program. They have a wide repetoire of chorale music they draw on to fit with the particular festival or theme of the day. They are always seeking new members!
Lutheran Youth of Queensland run a number of camps and events throughout Queensland for children and youth. Check out the link for more information.
Home groups are a place where you can connect with others and support one another in matters of faith and life. There's a range of opportunities, hopefully at a time and place that will suit you.
The OSY Team look after our Friday night youth group and meet once a fortnight to check-in on each other and plan for what's coming up! If you're interested in being on the OSY Team - follow up here>>>
Home groups are a place where you can connect with others and support one another in matters of faith and life. There's a range of opportunities, hopefully at a time and place that will suit you.
Home groups are a place where you can connect with others and support one another in matters of faith and life. There's a range of opportunities, hopefully at a time and place that will suit you.
If you don't mind getting your hands dirty, join the mob at Col's Shed at Mt Cotton. Woodworking (or other projects) will use your current skills or encourage you to learn new ones. Or just enjoy a coffee and conversation in good company.
Thursday, our ladies gather together for a time of fellowship and bible study, enjoyed by all!
This group has a focus on sharing the good news with the community and are currently doing the Alpha Course. They have also been active supporters in Brekky Club. Home groups are a place where you can connect with others and support one another in matters of faith and life. There's a range of opportunities, […]
Home groups are a place where you can connect with others and support one another in matters of faith and life. There's a range of opportunities, hopefully at a time and place that will suit you.
Our Saviour Lutheran Church is a family of believers, inspired by Jesus love, to love, support and care for our community so that they might live rich and abundant lives as God intended.
525 Underwood Rd
Rochedale, Qld 4123
Redeemer Chapel
745 Rochedale Rd
07 3219 0055
Pastoral Care 0439 606 989