Community events.

LIFE at Our Saviour

Community is important to us and we hold regular events that celebrate life and provide opportunity for the community just to get together.

Upcoming Community Events…

Life stages.

LIFE at Our Saviour

There are a variety of groups that respond to the needs of different life stages. Whether it’s new parents looking for a supportive playgroup, teenagers seeking peers to live life with, or older people understanding their changing life circumstances. There’s sure to be a group that serves your need.

Both of these programs provide activities and discussion time in matters of faith and life.

Upcoming activities for Life’s stages…

Interests and passions.

LIFE at Our Saviour

Getting together with others who share life’s joys and passions helps us to connect as a community of support and encouragement. Skill levels are not important, care and compassion are!

‘Shoulder to shoulder’ is one of the ways that blokes get together and share life with one another. In Col’s shed at Mt Cotton a group of our blokes, and some of our ladies, spend time together, shoulder-to-shoulder as they work on projects together.

If you have handy skills and wish to share them with others, or perhaps learn from someone with perhaps greater experience, come along to our Shed @ Work.

Shed at Work

If you would like to assist with a regular roster for baked goods you can send a note here: Helping Hands Baking Roster

For less regular involvement:

  • GO2 holds BBQ’s from time to time, to raise money for various needs.
Upcoming activities for different interests and passions…

Exploring faith.

LIFE at Our Saviour

If you are looking to learn more about Jesus and living a life of faith that responds to all that God has done you can join one of many groups that gather to explore life and faith together. Groups meet at different times and regularities and cater for young and old and in-between.

Our Sunday children’s ministries cover three age groups: Under 5’s, Junior Primary and Upper Primary/Middle School.

‘Under 5’s’ is a song and dance celebration, ‘Growing Kids I’ explores bible stories while the senior group, ‘Growing Kids II’ looks more closely at the Catechism and what this means for our lives.

These ministries take place immediately after Communion during our worship from approximately 9.30-10.00am.

Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Our Saviour Youth meet every Friday night and throughout each term regular nights are dedicated to growing in faith and having discussions on matters of Christian life and faith.

The ‘Encounter’ nights do change from term to term, so have a look at the OSY Facebook page or calendar to see when the next Encounter is coming up.

OSY Calendar

Upcoming opportunities for exploring faith…

Serving the community.

LIFE at Our Saviour

In sharing Jesus love, we support others in our community who have specific needs or who may just need a hand or a friendly chat over a coffee.

Upcoming opportunities to serve the community…


Frequently Asked Questions

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There are many opportunities to be involved as a volunteer and we welcome your participation. There is an opportunity for everyone!

We value our volunteers and the service that they provide, and in order for us to maintain our care for the community we need our volunteers to be appropriately trained and appointed.

We will help you through the process and provide you with all that you need.

Step one is simply to reach out to Jo and express your interest! Email Here. 

Will you join us?

You’ll find that we are a fairly laid back community with opportunities open to your level of interest and willingness of involvement.

Subscribe to our weekly email bulletin to stay informed of what is coming up. Subscription is free and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Register as a participating member and take part in the regular life of our community.

This includes being welcomed into our family and contributing to life as a family member. If this is you, we’d like to know more about you so that we can share life’s journey with you. A registered member is welcome to attend and actively participate in meetings of the congregation.

Volunteer at Our Saviour.

We will help you to apply as a volunteer and take steps to ensure we can maintain a safe place for all and meet our legislative requirements. You will need a BlueCard and LCA Safe Church Training. This is mandatory for any adults in church leadership roles and those involved in programs that include children.

For more information, contact Our Saviour Lutheran Church office.

Phone:  07 3219 0055     Email:
