CHRIS PODLICH Church Planter
BEYOND CHURCH Murrumba Downs, Qld
Chris is proud to be a part of the New & Renewing Department and works closely alongside the future generation of church planting leaders within the LCA/NZ. He leads Beyond Church, a church plant in the northern suburbs of Brisbane, which has a vision to ‘create churches that unchurched people love to engage with’.
Chris has a passion for sharing the life-changing message of Jesus in a way that connects with unchurched and de-churched people. He is married to his beautiful wife Emma, and is what some people would refer to as a coffee snob.
Beyond Church wants to ‘create churches that unchurched people love to engage with’.
Visit our website to find out more about what God is doing among us. Also, if you are able to prayerfully or financially partner with us, we would love to hear from you.