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Return from Exile: How congregations can survive and thrive in a pandemic-era world, by Pastor Nathan Hedt, is now available from Australian Christian Resources.
This book is designed to be used as a powerful reflection tool by individuals and congregational leaderships, to help navigate and understand what God might be doing amongst us, and what God is calling us to, in the wake of the worldwide disruptive event of the Covid pandemic.
It could be used for small groups as a series of Lenten studies, or by congregational leadership teams. It contains reflections on our Covid experiences related to the biblical theme of exile, and includes Dwelling in the Word exercises and practical reflection questions to be used together as you seek to understand these times. I do hope and pray it will be a gift to the wider church.
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Our Saviour Lutheran Church is a family of believers, inspired by Jesus love, to love, support and care for our community so that they might live rich and abundant lives as God intended.
Our Saviour, Rochedale
525 Underwood Rd
Rochedale, Qld 4123
Redeemer Chapel
745 Rochedale Rd
Our Contacts
07 3219 0055
Pastoral Care 0439 606 989