Event Series Our Saviour Youth

Our Saviour Youth (OSY)

Redeemer Chapel 745 Rochedale Road, Rochedale, Queensland, Australia

Our Saviour Youth is an inclusive community for the young, and the young at heart. OSY meets every Friday night (during the school term) for activities, games, music and worship, to connect with God and in community with those around us, as we learn and grow together. At OSY, we’re invited to take part in […]

Event Series Emmaus Gathering

Emmaus Gathering

Redeemer Chapel 745 Rochedale Road, Rochedale, Queensland, Australia

The Emmaus' Community objective is to inspire, challenge, and equip local church members for Christian action in their homes, churches, communities and places of work. It is centred around a spiritual renewal program that thousands of people around the world have undertaken to renew their heart, mind, soul and strength, richly modelling the servanthood of […]

Event Series Choir Practice

Choir Practice

Kleinschmidt Centre

The Choir meets regularly on Sunday mornings, to rehearse for its contribution to our worship program. They have a wide repetoire of chorale music they draw on to fit with the particular festival or theme of the day. They are always seeking new members!

Event Series OSLC Annual General Meeting

OSLC Annual General Meeting

Our Saviour has a General Meeting twice a year. The annual meeting, generally held on the first weekend of March elects the officers of our congregation and the main business for the half-year meeting is approval of the congregation budget for the following year. Both meetings will also discuss other business pertinent to the time.

Event Series Confirmation 2024

Confirmation 2024

Chapel Classrooms

Confirmation is about learning matters of faith, growing in our understanding of God and what God has done for us because of God's great love. This course is for teenagers in schools years 7,8,9 but if you're interested let us know!