New & Renewing Churches

We are mobilising congregations to participate in the work of seeing new believers come to Christ. We want to see mature churches that plant churches as the norm.

  • We assist churches to begin, evaluate or progress their journey in church planting.
  • We work with church leaders and pastors to build church planting capacity.
  • We provide resources, training opportunities, conferences and a supportive network for church planters and missional communities.

We are helping congregations discern the voice of the Spirit as they follow Jesus into the world, which he has claimed as his own and where he is already at work.

  • We work with congregations and agencies to help them assess opportunities for church planting and we provide mentorship for church leaders and pastors as they embark on this journey.
  • We walk with missional communities and church planters as they establish new groups of believers. This is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach and it is definitely not another program.

our target growth rate every year


new church plants every year


dependence on the Holy Spirit