Helping Hands
As a service to the community, our Helping Hands van goes out every Friday night to deliver food parcels, and share in coffee and conversation.
Our Saviour Youth (OSY)
Redeemer Chapel 745 Rochedale Road, Rochedale, Queensland, AustraliaOur Saviour Youth is an inclusive community for the young, and the young at heart. OSY meets every Friday night (during the school term) for activities, games, music and worship, […]
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Every week these blokes get together for breakfast and prayer for needs in the community.
Men’s Bible Study Breakfast
This group meets weekly as a bunch of blokes to study God's word. The venue changes week by week so contact the office it you'd like to know more.
Sunday Morning Worship
Redeemer Chapel, 745 Rochedale Rd., Rochedale Redeemer Lutheran College, RochedaleWorship is at the core of being a family of believers as we acknowledge and worship the Triune God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our worship is family friendly and […]
GO2 / Helping Hands Meeting
Hub & SurroundsProviding practical services to our community in need, our GO2 team meets monthly to coordinate our response to needs within the community. This includes the work of Helping Hands.
Choir Practice
Kleinschmidt CentreThe Choir meets regularly on Sunday mornings, to rehearse for its contribution to our worship program. They have a wide repetoire of chorale music they draw on to fit with […]
Messy Church
Hub & SurroundsMessy Church is a gathering of all generations, engaging in activities and discussion, in worship and a light meal based around the theme of the day.
Card Makers
DoorwaysFor the craftier members of our community! Join us in creating meaningful cards that are sold with proceeds supporting the welfare provided by Our Saviour.
Home Group – Stelzer
Rachael and Tyson'sHome groups are a place where you can connect with others and support one another in matters of faith and life. There's a range of opportunities, hopefully at a time […]
Home Group – Rentz
Home groups are a place where you can connect with others and support one another in matters of faith and life. There's a range of opportunities, hopefully at a time […]
Our Purpose
Our Saviour Lutheran Church is a family of believers, inspired by Jesus love, to love, support and care for our community so that they might live rich and abundant lives as God intended.
Our Saviour, Rochedale
525 Underwood Rd
Rochedale, Qld 4123
Redeemer Chapel
745 Rochedale Rd
Our Contacts
07 3219 0055
Pastoral Care 0439 606 989